Bioss Southern Africa – A Bioss Affiliate Company

Case Study

Using Talent Analytics to Optimise Human Capital in a Multi-Organisation Merger

The Client

The clients were six manufacturing companies, operating in different, yet related, fields, that were  undergoing a large-scale merger.   The companies operated across 17 African countries – primarily South Africa, Zambia, Mozambique, Kenya and Ethiopia.

The Challenge

Whilst this was a large-scale merger that involved thousands of employees, this particular part of the project focused on performing talent analytics on the top 250 executives across the six businesses as a means to ensure that the right people were placed in the correct critical positions after the merger.

The Work

Bioss Southern Africa’s team of 14 experienced consultants and psychologists conducted 250 face-to-face assessments across multiple countries, using a highly interactive and detailed methodology. Talent analytics tools utilised included Career Path Appreciation, the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS III), and the Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire (16PF).

Benefits to the Client

The key benefits to the organisation included:

  • Critical senior level roles were filled with the right talent, contributing to the success of the merger 
  • Enhanced individual self-awareness of the executives 
  • Achievement of an “ideal person-job match” across the top structure
  • The bench strength of the entire top leadership structure was analysed and understood
  • Enhancement of the organisation’s succession planning and talent pooling

For more information, please contact Jacques Haworth or Bioss Southern Africa