
Dr Lorraine Dodd

Strategic Value Partner

Dr Lorraine Dodd is a former Research Director, now Associate, in Cranfield University School of Defence and Security at the UK Defence Academy and is a highly respected international contributor to analysis, research and general thinking about complex adaptive systems and AI. 

She has an Honours degree in Pure Mathematics from Warwick University and MSc in Operational Research & Management Science from Warwick Business School. More recently she completed a PhD on the subject of choice-making that links Catastrophe Theory, Culture Theory and Choice Theory.

Her main interest lies in sense-making and decision-making in complex situations; covering the study of governance in organisations, institutions, and society that addresses cognitive capability of people and AI agents. She uses analogy with complex cellular functions to develop mathematical models of attention, interpretation, behaviour and influence.

Her research has been applied more widely in conjunction with effects-based analysis to support decisions about intervention options in various settings. In addition to her decision-based studies and research work, she is involved in educational programmes for systems leadership and systemic thinking.

She also supervises a wide variety of MPhil and PhD students. She is a Fellow of Operational Research and has served as an IEE Panel member for Neural Computing, been a UK representative on several NATO SAS working groups and as a Defence Science Advisory Committee member for Human in Systems Capability and also AI in Command and Control.